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How To Take A Photo Of Lolita

Based on Vladimir Nabakov’s 1955 novel ‘Lolita,’ the term's integration into popular culture is vastly different from its humble beginnings. With style being mainly introduced to the contemporary world from Victorian dolls, it describes Japanese culture's pure essence. In the world of rapid commercialization, some select individuals wish to view the world in a different world of delightfulness, happiness, and tranquility by portraying themselves as cute models with a unique aesthetic sense.

Lolita Girl

The Japanese Lolita is mainly famous for its extremely cute, or in the Japanese way of saying it, ‘Kawaii,’ way of dressing themselves up in a feminine manner. However, the art of dressing up and portraying yourself as Lolita goes much further than just purchasing clothing and putting it on. Here are some tips and tricks you can take advantage of to take amazing Lolita photos of yourself!.

Getting Ready for Your Shoot

Lolita fashion is both fun and iconic. Based on Victorian dolls, their aesthetic is unique and feminine. However, before we can snap the perfect Lolita photograph, there are many things for you to consider on how you can dress as a Lolita.

  • Dress Up for The Role: A Lolita's aesthetic is timeless and vibrant, encompassing one's femininity. As such, choosing the perfect piece of attire is of pivotal importance. Mostly, Lolita dresses have a lot of lace, frills, bows, tulles, and ribbons. However, after deciding on the perfect dress, you must put your makeup into consideration. Going for a Gothic look with the ideal black frill dress looks stunning and cute, especially on a good summer day to have aesthetic pictures of yourself taken. If you are still not sure of what screams Lolita for you, check this excellent piece out here. However, the best part about dressing up Lolita is that there is never a set tone or ideology. So, if you think something makes you look kawaii, go for it!
  • Choosing the Perfect Location: After you are done dressing up and looking all cute for your big shoot, your next order of business is to find out the perfect location for your shoot. Generally, Lolita culture encompasses femininity. Therefore, you want to avoid guzzling city districts or metropolises. Instead, you should go for areas that exhume an aura of comfort and serenity. Try to emulate a Japanese meadow or park's aesthetic by finding locations that are riddled with lush greenery, beautiful flowers, and tall-shadowy trees that still employ a cozy feel. Since you just will not be taking one picture, finding a location that has all these features, like a larger park or meadow, will undoubtedly do the trick. If you do not have access to these areas or your local park does not seem to deliver on the aesthetic, you can always choose a well-lit, comfortable part of your own house! With some décor changes here and there, it certainly delivers on the Simple Lolita aesthetic!

Lolita Photo

Taking the Perfect Picture

After you have chosen your location, there are two styles for Lolita photography that are wildly used. While we will talk about both in detail, there are some key elements of general Lolita photography that you must understand before we delve into the details. If these rules are not followed to the brim, there is a high chance that your product might not look as good as you hoped.

  • Understanding Lolita Posing: As mentioned earlier, Lolita culture is the depiction of Youth and Femininity. Therefore, having rigid poses certainly will not do the trick. Try to loosen up before your picture is taken, and remember to smile wide! Most of your posing will be based on three key areas, your legs, arms, and waist. Where you place your arms and how you move your legs alongside your waist will dictate your overall pose. Here are some basic examples you can use:
  • Lolita Photo

  • oThe Holding Skirt: Perhaps the simplest and used pose in Lolita culture. The pose is self-explanatory. You just grasp the side of your skirt. Make sure that you do not hold your skirt so high that your petticoat shows up. Stay relaxed, keep your arms on either side of your body and smile wide!
  • oThe Foot Behind: Another straightforward pose, employ a semi-side pose and plant one foot in a normal position while the other is put behind at a slit tilt so that your knee is somewhat bent. Make sure that you do not put your legs so far back that the pose looks unnatural. If the pose seems comfortable, adjust the tilt of your leg until you are comfortable. Then, put one arm behind your back and the other right over your hair, giving yourself a closed but approachable, cute look.
  • Lolita  Fashion

Retro and Girlish Lolita Photography

While both styles employ Lolita's fundamentals in general dressing and makeup, there are a few key differences between the posing, lighting, and the general vibe of the picture that makes both styles quite easy to distinguish from each other.

Lolita  Fashion

Retro Photography:If you are fascinated by the Victorian aesthetic Lolita culture is known for, then getting your shoot done in a Retro theme will undoubtedly look much more appealing. By going for more of a soft look coupled with an over-the-top dress, you can dress yourself up for the part by looking at suitable eBay Lolita dresses. Then, employing a more reserved pose with a wide smile coupled with some low lighting and dark shadows portrays the perfect 1800's photo with a modern cute feminine look.

Girlish Lolita Photography:Perhaps the more modern version of Lolita photography, by dressing up in more modern clothing but using incredibly soft, light makeup. It will help accentuate your feminine features, such as larger eyes and lips. Then, it is all a matter of posing and location. Try to put yourself in place with plenty of sunlight as lighter shadows suit the aesthetic. Then, pose yourself in a manner that makes you feel comfortable and takes out the cute, feminine nature inside you!

Lolita  Girl